Our Common Products
In line with the decision taken with the project stakeholders, we decided to do an acrostic study with the project schedule and the name of the project.
Common Calendar of Our Project
To make our project calendar, we first matched the months in the calendar and project partners with the Team Maker web 2 tool. Later, we invited our Canvaya project partners. We created our calendar in collaboration with our project partners through the Canva program.
Project teachers have been added to the page to collaborate on the Canva program.
Aylar and teacher names were matched with the Team Maker web 2 tool.
Calendar Month of Our Draw Result Team
Our Acrostic Work
A table was created for the acrostic with Google Sheets.
Sharing it with all teachers, it was ensured that our teachers reached our acrostic work and made arrangements in their own fields.
We decided to do acrostic by using our project name with a joint decision. It was decided to distribute the letters of the Stray Animals words to our teachers according to the dictionary order.
One of the letters of our project name has increased. Seval ÜNALAN volunteered for the blank letter.
Sentence selection questionnaire for our acrostic study (Questions)
Sentence selection questionnaire for our acrostic study (Results)
Our Acrostic Work
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